Many drivers rank Western Australia as one of the best areas in Australia to take a weekend driving tour holiday. If you’re lucky enough to live in Perth then you have the opportunity to take car for a weekend away to Rockingham, Freemantle or head south towards Margret River. When you’re out on the road you should be aware of the many driving hazards in WA such as unsealed roads, dust and heavy rains and cyclones that can flood roads and make driving dangerous. It’s important to ensure that you have a sufficient level of car insurance to cover you if you ever run into trouble.
Western Australia is also spoilt for choice when it comes to insurance providers, so it’s important to take the time to compare car insurance in WA to find the best deal for you.
When you go to compare car insurance in WA, you should look at a number of elements of the car insurance policy which are included by the various insurers. You should look out for inclusions such as policy cover type, premium, excess, and any additional policy extras available such as windscreen excess reduction, accident hire car benefit, roadside assistance or restricted driver discounts.

Many of us use our cars every day, and in the event of an accident need to be sure we have access to a hire car to stay on the road. Others catch public transport or work from home, and would like to have access to a hire car to stay on the road. Other catch public transport or work from home and would like to save money due to the fact they are not driving as frequently. An increasing number of people are conscious of their car’s impact on the environment and want to offset their car’s carbon emissions. Investigating your options, from researching insurer’s websites to using comparison services like Captain Compare, could help you to make more accurate and well informed decisions when it comes to purchasing your comprehensive car insurance.