Researching and buying car insurance can be a confusing and daunting task especially for first time buyers. As a general rule, in Australia there are three different levels of car insurance that you can purchase other than Compulsory Third Party (CTP or Green Slip) insurance, which is the minimum level of insurance required by law. These include Comprehensive car insurance, Third Party Property Only (TPPO) insurance and Third Party Property, Fire and Theft (TPPFT) insurance. What level of cover you decide to take on your vehicle will be decided by factors such as price but also what policy features and benefits you require and feel are important. Although it can sometimes be a time consuming task, it’s important to research different car insurance products that different insurers provide to find the best fit for you.
The most extensive level of cover that you can buy for your car is comprehensive car insurance. This covers a variety of types of damage and loss including fire, theft and accidental damage as well as damage your vehicle causes to another person’s property. This cover is regularly taken out for cars that are reasonably new or considered to be a financial burden to replace. Different insurance providers have different limits on the benefits that they provide and the price that they will offer you so you may find that you can save a lot of money and get a better deal if you shop around and compare the different comprehensive car insurance products on the market.

As part of your research and shopping around for a great deal, Captain Compare could help you find Superhuman savings by bringing you come well known car insurance brands into one place for you to compare. Take the time to make use of the ability to re-rank your results, and check the policy features, benefits, and optional extras to make sure the policy you purchase is the right one for you. Remember, the prices available to you through Captain Compare are the same as those you would receive if you were to go directly to the insurance companies themselves.